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New and updated rules!

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 2:02 pm
by Kellis Amberlee
Hi, people!

We're so happy for each and every one of you being here. In an effort to keep FOCA a shiny place we've updated some of our rules and added a few new ones. Category 4 ”Cruel intentions” is brand new, as is rule 11 allowing url code in signatures.

There is a 15 minute limit for editing your posts. If you're too late and you've thought of something problematic with your post (I.E forgotten trigger warning etc.), an easy way to call attention to it is to report it (click the exclamation point).

Here's the new bits in quick quotes.
There is no rule against being wrong or having unexamined privilege, but there are many, many, many rules against being a jerk to your fellow users.
Just as ignorance isn't an excuse to be an asshole, neither is being correct. Be gentle with your fellow users. When they make mistakes, try to say so without resorting to personal attacks or spitefulness. There is a difference between "spirited debate" and "being a jerk." You don't owe anyone an education, and feel free to guide people to our 101 Space, but remember that nobody is perfect and we all had to learn, once.
If you have a problem with carbonatedwit, contact Kellis Amberlee.
Users are not allowed to assume others' intentions without asking them. Users are not allowed to assume their interpretations are correct and all others are wrong. Users are not allowed to tell other people what they think. Users are not allowed to complain that the OP isn't asking the right questions.

If a statement from another user can be interpreted in more than one way, and one of those ways is privileged or insulting, assume they meant it the other way. When in doubt, ask.

Users should not presume to know the thoughts or intentions of others unless those thoughts or intentions have been stated explicitly. Users should not presume their interpretations are any more correct than anyone else's. Users should never, under any circumstances, presume to tell another user what that user actually means or thinks.

Advice should come from good faith, and you should try to assume the best about your fellow posters and their intentions. Just as you can't complain about not liking the advice you're getting, commenters shouldn't complain that the thread poster isn't asking the right questions. People seek help from the level that they're on. If someone needs help with basic concepts, try to gently guide them towards our 101 Space, but needing an education doesn't make someone a bad person.

If you see a topic that you cannot engage with in this way because it displays overt privilege or unabashed ignorance, please refrain from posting or alert the staff.
URL codes in signatures are fine. We have a 255 character limit. Signatures with lots of different types of writing (cursive, bold etc) are not allowed.

Feel free to add a link to your blog, twitter or Etsy store or whatever else you want people to visit.