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New Rule: Animated Gifs

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 12:12 am
by muse142
In order to be more accommodating to users with disabilities, we have made some changes to the rules:

We have added a new rule to the Forum Decorum section:
While it is fine to have animated gifs in your post, please put them behind a hide tag and warn about them above the tag, so that people for whom animations are overwhelming or dangerous can choose to not see them. Animated gifs are not allowed as avatars as they cannot be hidden.
We want to emphasize that we very much appreciate the entertainment and enlightenment that animated gifs can bring, as long as they are under the
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tag so that users can make their own choices about looking at them. If you're unfamiliar with that tag and would like to test it out, this thread is a good place to do that.

As it's not possible for users to opt out of seeing avatars, we are banning the use of animated gifs in avatars. Please use a still image for your avatar.

Thanks very much!

- Your admin team