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ATTENTION: Some forum updates

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 12:52 pm
by M.J.
Hi all!

This is an announcement with some updates that have happened around here in the past week or so.

First of all, for those who haven't seen it yet, Mooocow is our newest addition to the moderation team! Yay Mooocow!

Secondly, we have made some small changes to some of our forums to better reflect the needs of all of you, our forum users.

"Resources" is now called "Learning experiences". It is still a place to post helpful links and resources, but it is also a space for discussions that you might feel are too serious for General Chat but still isn't specifically about -isms. We hope that Learning Experiences can be that space.

"Current events" is now expanded into "Current events, links and articles".

Simply put, this is the place to discuss not only news like the mid-term elections for example, but also that interesting blog post you found, that link that shows how some cool and interesting people do the Thing with the Stuff and maybe even the most awesome collection of cute cat pictures you ever saw?

And on a final note the mod team discovered that some changes to the rules did not update properly so that you users could see them. We are sorry about this, it should be fixed now and I encourage everyone to take a peek at the rules and get a refresher.


Quisty and the admod team.