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Changes in Administrator and Moderator Team

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 8:17 pm
by carbonatedwit
Hi everyone!

I've got some changes to the administrator and moderator teams! You may have noticed that King Hotpants has gone from blue to red. He's an administrator now, with all the epic sweeping power that goes with it. Fortunately, we trust him with all of the responsibility as well. Congrtulations, King Hotpants! To you, I offer the Administrative Turtle:

With the new year, some of our moderators, Panome and Gallantqueer, have decided to step back from that role. They've been wonderful moderators and we are sorry to see them stand down. But as we all know, each one of us has to take care of ourselves first, and that includes making our lives just as awesome as they can be. That doesn't always line up with moderating an internet forum. To each of you, I offer the Saluting Squirrel: